Israel 2023

If you would like to see what and where we ate while traveling around Israel

June 11, 2023 We will start our touring program, making our way to one of the communities and Shamron (Samaria). Visit Shiloh, which was the central sanctuary of the Israelites during the pre-monarchic, before the first temple in Jerusalem was built. Here we will be briefed on the border separation fence between the West Bank and Israel. We continue north along the coastal road to the beautiful Carmel mountains overlooking the valley known as the Valley of Armageddon. We will take a beautiful picture from the top of the Mount Precipice in Nazareth also known as Mount of Precipitation or Mount of Leap of the Lord, it is believed to be the sight of the rejection of Jesus drive to the sea of Galilee and check into our hotel overnight and Tiberius Israel.

June 12, 2023 Today we will visit some of the biblical sites around the Sea of Galilee. We will then drive to the northern border of Israel in the town of Matula to view the local border security fence. Interesting part of this most guarded fence is that a number of years ago it was called “The good fence”. It is here that Christian Lebanese and members of the South Lebanon Christian Malia had free access to Israel during Lebanon Civil War years. This good fence was able to sustain supply and allow these Christians access to medical centers in the region.

Next, we will drive up to the Golan Heights where we will visit Meram Golan, and Emek Ha’bachah The Valley of Tears. This place was also the site of the most heroic fight between the IDF and the Syrian army during the Yom Kippur war. Time permitted we will view the newly redone film Oz 77 about the Yom Kippur war and discuss ( at the actual site of the battlefield  bordering the current front line) the security issues that persist 49 years since that war.

Our presentation, here we shed light on another border barrier system that provides 100% security of the region. This place is the Kuneitra border crossing between Israel and Syria, where Israel managed to assist many wounded on the Syrian side. This border crossing was fought for and changed hands a number of times between the Assad army and the Syrian rebels. We will end our Golan and visit in Har Ben Tal, an Israeli IDF bunker overlooking the entire valley below, and the Syrian city of Kuneitra. We make our way back to Tiberias, stopping for a view of the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan Valley from the mount of Beatitudes.

My notes for June 12, 2023 the first stop was Caiperneum, where it was St. Peter’s Church, where we sat and listened to scriptures for a bit. Then we stopped at the church of Beatitudes to hear some scriptures after that we drove to see Banias, which was built by the Greeks. After lunch we stopped at the war spot with the tanks. Then we stopped at the bunkers Har Ben Tal. Shimon showed us where Isis was camped out. We also saw some cool metal sculptures during our drive back to the hotel we stopped at the Trump Heights sign and took some pictures.

June 13, 2023 After breakfast we will once again head north but this time we’ll make our way to the border Kubbutz, Misgav Am. Here we will meet the northern command civilian liaison for an up-to-date account of the southern border with Lebanon, which is held by Hezbollah militia. Driving across the scenic northern border road west we will arrive to Rosh Hanikra to visit the spectacular limestone grottos at the Mediterranean. This interesting place is situated at the most northern seashore border with Lebanon. Here we will view the border and see the UN observers and the IDF checkpoint. Driving south along the coastal road we make our way to Acre and begin our tour with a visit to the underground Crusaders city and halls. We will walk through the narrow passages and alleyways and emerge at the old port of Acre (Akko).

My notes for June 13 the day before Har Ben Tal is the bunker place. Tom Holman arrived last night and this morning we drove for about two hours to Misgav Am and then we met with this general that was a chief of staff to general Alon Friedman, and went into one of the tunnels.

June 14, 2023 – Today we checked out of our hotel in Tiberias and drove to the yardinet the baptismal site and some of our group got baptized afterwards we went to this pretty park Gideon springs and told us a story and we did made a birthday video for trump with Tom Homan. After lunch we went to this viewpoint and then drove to Jerusalem….. united west notes -Jordan Valley along the border line with Kingdom of Jordan. We will drive to Mizpeh Jericho the and the Dead Sea Lookout observation balcony. The views of the Dead Sea and surrounding Jordan Valley and Jericho, the world’s most ancient city is truly breathtaking.

The group photo and the couple photo we took was here…. After breakfast we take our leave of the Galilee heading south along the Drive up to Jerusalem, stopping atop Mt Scopus for your first view of the “Golden City” Of Jerusalem.

June 15, 2023  – Dome of the rock and mt olive to take a group photo and then we went to holy sepulcher church and then the Jewish quarter for lunch. We will visit parts of the southern wall excavations. This southern side of the temple was the main entrance for the common folk, whereas the priests and Levites had their own entrance from the higher western side. Continue through the Old City where we will trace some of the footsteps of Jesus along the Via Dolorosa before walking to the reconstructed Jewish Quarter. Walk through the Cardo, the original Roman street and see the remains of the massive wall built by King Hezekiah. We will exit the city and make our way to the Israeli Parliament-Knesset for a special tour and meeting with Knesset members.

June 16, 2023 – Today we went had a special visit to Latrun. In recent years this place became our must visit place when in Israel – this is the official Israel Defense Force Commemoration Center and armament display. Latrun is the fortress that was strategically built on Israel’s main crossroads and throughout history protected the City of Jerusalem. Jexit will be laying a wreath at the Wall of Fallen.

June 17, 2023 – We drove about two hours to Masada. We will make our way to the lowest point on earth, the Dead Sea. Driving along the coastline we make our way to Masada. This was the last pocket of insurrection in the Jewish rebellion against the Roman Empire where 960 men, women and children defied the might of Rome and fought for three years after the destruction of Jerusalem. We will visit King Herod’s Palace, the Synagogue, and a very sophisticated water and irrigation system that is 2000 years old. On top of the rock we will hear a presentation by Ron Wexler – Never Again Later in the day a special treat awaits us as we go bathing in the “heavy water” of the Dead Sea.

June 18, 2023 – Today we went to parliament for a tour and then colonel terza the map guy gave us a tour of the walls. United west notes – Our day will consentrate on the seperation wall and security of Jerusalem (more information to follow with registered participants). Afterwards we went to the holocaust museum and then lunch and then went back to the hotel took a shower and a nap and got dressed to go to Shabbat ceremony at the walling wall.

June 19, 2023 – Today we drove to the Israel – Egypt – Gaza borders with the colonel terza for a full presentation with IDF officials and local authorities covering the border wall and all the security issues past present and future. We met with this guy who is in charge of imported goods his name was Amin. He showed us around his facility and even showed us a trick with the K9 dog. Afterwards we went to have lunch.





Tom Homan on a camel




US Embassy in Jerusalem

West Bank

A day in Jerusalem

Haifa, Israel

July 16, 2018

We woke up early to go to Masada and afterward we visited the Dead Sea Spa and went into the water which was incredible. We had lunch at the spa.  After lunch, we drove to the top of a mountain to take a beautiful picture of the city and went to the ship.

July 17, 2018

Today we went to the Lebanon border and took a picture by the fence and spoke to a nice soldier. It turns out that he was half Lebanese and half Irish.  At the Lebanese border is the Rosh HaNikra Grottos after the Grotto we then went to Acre (Akko) and walked through the souq and had a nice fish lunch at Abu Christo.  After lunch, we went to this little town where we walked around a bit. Unforutanlety, I don’t remember the name of the town.

Follow us on our journey the next destination is Limassol, Cyprus.

If you would like to see what we ate while in Israel.


The amazing Dead Sea

Camel Parking
The Blue Caves in Israel

Walking through the Souq
John & Maria
Maria & Samantha

Jerusalem, Israel

July 15, 2018

This is a side note about our Tour Guide Zvika he was one of the best guides we ever had. He showed us all the best Israel had to offer. His business card is the first picture below. Tell him you want The John & Maria from NY Experience. I guarantee you will have a great time!

Today we were redirected to Haifa because the Palestinians were throwing missiles into Israel at the Gaza Strip. Our tour guide Zvika Livneh picked us up from Haifa and took us to see Caesarea. After dinner, Zvika took us for a walk around Jerusalem at nighttime.  I recommend doing that if you get the chance.

Follow us on our journey the next destination is Haifa, Israel.

If you would like to see what we ate while in Israel.

Our amazing Tour Guide Zvika

Our hotel lobby at the Waldorf Astoria in Jerusalem

The King David Hotel where famous people have their signatures in the floor of the lobby.

Jerusalem at Night

Haifa, Israel – Day 3 – Historical Bethlehem

November 9, 2011

Today we were getting a tour of Bethlehem.  We were excited to see the ancient streets and the Church of the Nativity which is the oldest church in the Holy Land which is still being used today. Driving through the Judean Hills and seeing the Valley of Elah, which gets its name from the Elah tree, a type of oak tree that produces turpentine.  I’ve read that biblically the valley is known as the area where David fatally wounded the fearsome Philistine warrior Goliath with a stone plucked from the nearby Elah Brook.

We finally arrived in Bethlehem, the birthplace of David and Jesus.  We took a tour of the Church of Nativity.  We looked through the trap doors on the wooden floor and saw the original mosaic tiled floor below.  We also saw the low Door of Humility that prevented anyone from entering the room without bowing, and the grotto, which is supposedly the birth place of Jesus.

Follow us on our journey next stop is Luxor (Safaga) via Suez Canal Transit.

The exterior of the Church of Nativity
The interior of the Church of the Nativity
Door of Humility
The mosaic floor in the Church of Nativity
The mosaic floor in the Church of Nativity
The mosaic floor in the Church of Nativity

Haifa, Israel – Day 2 – A Day in Jerusalem

November 8, 2011

We drove from Haifa into the Judean Hills to get to our first stop which is Mt. Zion. We arrived at Mt. Zion and visited the Room of the Last Supper, where according to tradition Jesus’ last meal with his disciples and the descent of the Holy Spirit took place.  On the ground floor is the Tomb of King David, which is one of the places most visited by the people of Jewish faith. Next up we saw the Dormition Abbey, a beautiful structure with a high domed bell tower.

Mount Zion
View of Haifa from Mt. Zion

After getting a bite to eat, we began our walking tour of the old city. Entering Jaffa Gate, we walked past some of the most sacred sites in religious history.  We passed by a cool bazaar which was very colorful. We saw the Christian Quarter which is right next to a part of the famous Via Dolorosa, believed to be the route Jesus took as he carried his cross to Calvary. We also saw this golden topped Dome of the Rock. This breathtaking shrine is considered the third holiest site in Islam. One of the wildest things that we saw while walking were these big round metal bins that are used for suspicious packages found.

Metal bin for suspicious packages
Shopping Bazaar

The next stop on the walking tour was the Western (Wailing) Wall, the holiest site in the Jewish world. We wrote a prayer on the piece of paper and John stuck it in the wall.  The wall is believed to have been the closest to where the Holy Ark once stood.  We also had the chance to visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.  High on top of the hill known as Golgotha, the church marks the site of Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.

Western (Wailing) Wall
John putting our prayer into the Western (Wailing) Wall
Western (Wailing) Wall
The back side of Western (Wailing) wall
The doors into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Immovable ladder on ledge over entrance to Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Stone of Anointing where they washed Jesus’ body in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Greek Orthodox Chapel of the Crucifixion
Disc marking traditional place, under the altar, where Jesus’ cross stood.

After boarding our tour bus, we drove to our next stop going through the Kidron Valley. We saw the Church of All Nations at the Gardens of Gethsemane, as well as the sacred churches on the Mount of Olives – the Church of Ascension, Dominos Flevit, and the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. Our tour guide took us to a local store where John and I purchased a gold Jerusalem cross, and a beautiful hand carved Nativity set made from olive wood.

Our olive wood Nativity set

One of the things that I love that Oceania Cruises does in certain ports that we are in they decide to entertain us while boarding the ship, they had a lot of the crew members lined up and were clapping along with music being played by the band that is onboard.

Oceania Cruises staff welcoming us back
Small alley in Jerusalem
Another alley in Jerusalem
Church of Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Church of Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Church of Saint Catherine of Alexandria
View of the Dome of the Rock
Pretty Sunset View

Haifa, Israel – Day 1 – Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee

November 7, 2011

Our second stop on the itinerary was an exciting one and a nerve wracking one.  Israel is always on guard because of the threat of terrorism in the Middle East.  We were told that we can’t get our passports stamped in Israel because when we get to the other ports on our itinerary they wouldn’t grant us entry.  We were given landing cards and a photocopy of our passport.  John and I are both religious I am Greek Orthodox and he is Catholic so visiting Jerusalem today is something we both have always wanted to do. 

Bahá’í World Centre from top of Mount Carmel
Panoramic view of Haifa from the top of Mount Carmel

It is believed that Jesus lived, preached and performed his miracles in this beautiful place.  It might not be exactly where we were but it sure is close. The first stop on tour was the top of Mount Carmel.  We had a great panoramic view of Haifa.  After taking great pictures of the city, we headed towards Nazareth the place where Jesus spent his early years.  We saw the amazing Basilica of the Annunciation, one of Christendom’s most revered shrines and the largest church in the Middle East.   The Basilica is built on the same sight where the Archangel Gabriel revealed to Mary that she would be the mother of the Messiah.  We were mesmerized by the grotto where Mary had lived.  A 170’ high cupola that rises high above the upper church adds to the Basilica’s grandeur that allows the interior to be lit up by natural light.

Next stop was the Church of Joseph, which is built over the chambers that once housed Joseph’s carpentry shop where Jesus worked with him.  From here we went on a small walking tour through the colorful bazaar past Mary’s well, a white stone fountain that serves as a shrine commemorating the Virgin Mary.

Joseph’s Carpentry Shop
Joseph’s Carpentry Shop

After boarding our tour bus, we headed through a town called Cana, the place where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine.  Then we moved on to Tabgha, where Jesus later multiplied the loaves and fishes.

Tabgha – Mosaic of fish and bread

Next stop on tour was a trip to Capernaum located on the shores of the Sea of Galilee; this is considered the center of Jesus’ ministry while he was living in the area. We had a chance to see the synagogue with a lovely mosaic floor which was recently discovered.

John at Capernaum

Our last stop was Yardenit baptismal site where the River Jordan separates from the Sea of Galilee. We were lucky enough to see a few baptisms happening while we were there.

Yardenit Baptismal Site
Watching a Baptism at Yardenit
Grotto of the Annunciation
Church of the Primacy of Saint Peter
Church of the Primacy of Saint Peter
Maria & John by the Sea of Galilee