February 7th – 20th, 2011
Category: Rome 2011
Ritz Carlton – Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy 2011
February 7th – 20th, 2011
Today we left Florence and rode the train to Rome. Once again an enjoyable train ride full of beautiful scenery the only difference is that this time we got on the correct car thank goodness. We checked into our hotel The Excelsior was opened in 1906. The hotel is located in a great spot, and the building’s architecture is beautiful we were lucky enough to have a corner suite.
After settling in, we did what we usually do take a quick walk around the city to get familiar with it. After a few hours of walking around, we decided to get back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.
The next day we were happy to walk around and get familiar with this great city. The first thing we did was walk to the Trevi Fountain. It truly is amazing. I can’t believe that the water just continuously runs and never ends. The fountain is breathtaking it’s a must see in person.
We visited Vatican City. From the outside to the inside it was fabulous. We even saw the window that the pope addresses the people in the square. Another cool thing that was there was the Swiss guards outside of the Vatican. Their outfits are cool mostly because I love anything with stripes.
The next stop on our walking tour was the Colosseum. Once again a jaw-dropping experience. This building was truly something spectacular we saw where they kept the animals and where the spectators sat.
We also love the Pantheon. The great thing is that there are a few restaurants in that square so every day we would have lunch with our relatives facing the Pantheon. It was the best view you could have while eating Italian food. There’s nothing like spending some time eating and catching up with family luckily we have relatives who live in Rome, and we ate lunch and dinner with them almost every day.