Athens, Greece 2018

July 12, 2018 

The first thing John and I always do while in Athens is walk through Plaka. We always stay at Hotel Grand Bretagne which is in the heart of the city.  After grabbing a bite to eat we decided to burn off what we ate and walked to the old Panathenaic Olympic stadium and we also visited the Temple of Hephaestus,  Stoa of Attalos, Zappeion and lastly the Temple of Olympian Zeus. The next day we woke up and got a transfer to the port to board the ship.

July 22, 2018 – Second time visiting Athens

Today we took a taxi to Syntagma Square with our friend Samantha and saw the official changing of the guards with the band after that we walked to Plaka which is my favorite place to visit while in Athens.  We decided to have lunch and then took a taxi back to the ship.

Follow us on our journey the next destination is Heraklion, Crete – Greece.

If you would like to see the food we ate while we were in Athens click this link.

A church we saw on the way to Patra, Greece.

Temple of Olympian Zeus

Panathenaic Stadium

Syntagma Square

Church of Panagia Kapnikarea
Temple of Hephaestus
Stoa of Attalos

This is a great store. Everything sold there is made from Olive Wood.


April 26th – May 1st, 2018

Our hotel was Konsulat in Reykjavik. The hotel was newly renovated, and it was lovely. We met our friends Avin & Lindsy who are from Indiana but live in Florida now. They stayed there three years ago for one month, so it was nice being there with them because they knew all the hot spots. The names of the towns and restaurants are very long and complicated, so I will do my best to give as many details in the photos as possible. One thing that you will find in Iceland is that there are no shortages of waterfalls. The weather seems to be dodgy you will have 50/50 chance of rain or shine. The one thing I didn’t like was how cold it was while we were there it was their summer. Our first stop which is a MUST is a visit to the Blue Lagoon. It was a great experience.

If you love food and would like to see the delicious food we ate while in Iceland click the link

Blue Lagoon
Blue Lagoon Silicone Mask

Lindsy and Avin

Kerid Crater

Maria, Lindsy, Avin & John

Lindsy, Maria and our new friend Madeline (We named her)
John, Maria, Avin & Lindsy
Avin, Lindsy, Maria & John



Kirkjufjara Beach
Kirkjufjara Beach
Reynisfjara Halsanefshellir

Sunset view of NYC – Our flight from NY to Florida
Sunset view of NYC – Our flight from NY to Florida

Athens, Greece (2005)

August 10th – 13th, 2005

This trip was my mom, and we visited Athens, Greece we decided to walk around the Acropolis of Athens and take pictures. I wish the pictures were better, but that was a long time ago my camera is much better now. The only problem is that there are a lot of people visiting currently, so it’s impossible to get pictures without crowds of people.

I had a great time with my mom in Greece we went to visit the rest of our family in Kalo Nero, Messinia but unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures we will have to go back so that we can have some pictures of my aunts, uncles and all my cousins.

Changing of the guards at the Acropolis of Athens


Maria and her mom Georgia



Theatre of Dionysus
Odeon of Herodes Atticus Theatre
Syntagma Square

London, England

September 12th -16th, 2013

Today we had a short 57-minute flight to visit our friends Adrian & Irene in London. We arrived at our hotel the Mandarin Oriental which is right in the heart of the city and right down the block from the world famous Harrods Store.

The key to our room was very cool it was plastic, and it was shaped like a regular key which was something we’ve never seen before.
Our friends picked us up from the hotel, and we walked to the local pub for a drink before going to dinner at one of their favorite places which was called Daphnes Restaurant. They’ve lived in London their entire lives, so they are very familiar with where to go and what to do which is great.

September 13, 2013
Our friends once again picked us up from the hotel, and we took the bus around to do some sightseeing we saw the Houses of Parliament which has Big Ben, and we saw the London Eye which was cool. After that, we continued our tour on foot and saw the South Bank, and then we saw the Tower Bridge, and we decided to do an Open top bus tour which was fun. After that, we decided to go to another favorite pub of theirs, and we had fish and chips. You can’t come to London and not have fish and chips.

September 14, 2013
Today we had some time alone to go to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guards. After waiting in the rain for an hour (of course under an umbrella), a guard walked out and announced that they were canceling the changing of the guards, so we didn’t see it. After walking around the city for a few hours, we then had plans to go to our friend’s condo. We then continued our walk to their place which is by the Albert Bridge they live on the water with a great view of the Bridge. We decided to go to The Ivy for dinner.

September 15, 2013
Today we decided to take a walk to Harrods and do some shopping. I have never seen a department store quite like this one. It was great it had a restaurant in it and a shrine dedicated to Princess Diana. Around 2 pm our friends picked us up to get a bite to eat since they had purchased tickets to a show at The Savoy. The show was called “Let it be” It was a Beatles cover band. The show was amazing they sounded and looked just like a young version of them. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and we had to say goodbye to our beloved friends and go back to the hotel to pack and get ready for our flight the next morning.

Big Ben

Maria & John
The London Eye
John & Adrian
Maria & John
Adrian, Maria & Irene
Big Blue Rooster

Gates at the Buckingham Palace
Guard at the Buckingham Palace

Madarin Oriental Hotel
Street Art
Adrian & John at the Pub
Irene & Adrian
Maria & Irene
Harrods Bus
Escalator in Harrods
Princess Diana Shrine in Harrods
Albert Bridge
John at The Savoy
Adrian at The Savoy
Irene at The Savoy
Maria at The Savoy
“Let it Be” Show
The Ivy
The Ivy Napkin
A picture of Adrian with Paul McCartney
Maria & John

Amsterdam, Netherlands

September 8th – 12th, 2013

After an eight hour flight, we arrive in Amsterdam. After settling into our beautiful hotel called Amstel Hotel, we decided to take a walk around the city to get familiar with it.

The next day we had plans to visit the Anne Frank Huis. I read her story when I was younger in school, so I was excited to see the house in person. This house was the 17th-century canalside home where young Jewish girl Anne Frank and her family hid for two years during World War II. Today it’s one of the most popular attractions in Amsterdam, with almost a million visitors a year. Luckily we went first thing in the morning, so it wasn’t crowded. Having fled from persecution in Germany in 1933, Anne, her sister Margot, their parents and four other Jews went into hiding on 5 July 1942. The eight people lived on the upper floors of this annexe behind Prinsengracht 263; a bookcase marks the entrance to the sober, unfurnished rooms. But on 4 August 1944, the occupants were arrested and transported to concentration camps, where Anne died with Margot and their mother. Her father, Otto, survived, and decided that Anne’s diary should be published. In 1960, the hiding place was made into a museum.
The people in hiding have to stay twenty-four hours a day indoors. The curtains of the annexe are always kept closed, so the neighbors cannot see them. During the day, when the warehousemen are working downstairs, everyone has to sit still and not make a sound. Just reading this makes me think of how stressful and scary that situation must have been.

After visiting the Anne Frank House, we decided to take a walk around the city and have fresh mint tea while looking at The Waag, which is a 15th-century building on Nieuwmarkt square in Amsterdam. It was originally a city gate and part of the walls of Amsterdam.
The next few days we just hung out around the city and walked through the famous red light district which was wild.

September 11, 2013, Today is our last day to enjoy Amsterdam we decided to take the train to Zaandam which is where all the wind mills are it’s a place called Zaanse Schans. Unfortunately, it was raining so some of the pictures didn’t come out well but that is the typical weather at the time of year we were there. We went into a few of the open windmills and saw how they worked it was incredible to see it work.

The one thing I can tell you about Amsterdam is that you have to be careful of the bicycles on the street and on the side walk. When walking out of any building look before you pop out, they are all over the place, and no rules apply.

Follow us on our journey our next destination is London.

Amstel Hotel Bedroom
Maria & John in the Amstel Hotel Lobby
Amstel Hotel Lobby
Amstel Hotel Exterior

The thinnest building we’ve ever seen

The Waag
The Waag

Hallucinogen Menu

Zaanse Schans
Zaanse Schans
Wind Mill in Zaanse Schans
Wind Mill in Zaanse Schans
Wind Mill in Zaanse Schans
Wind Mill in Zaanse Schans
Wind Mill in Zaanse Schans
Wind Mill in Zaanse Schans
Inside of a wind mill
Inside of a wind mill
Inside of a wind mill
Inside of a wind mill

Photo credit – Google Images
Photo credit – Google Images

Rome, Italy 2012

August 18th – 21st, 2012

Rome is so unique I feel like it’s one big archaeological site. The amazing thing is that they find new sites all the time just by doing new construction or renovations.

It’s so great to walk around you will always run into some cool fountain or new piazza you’ve seen for the first time.

We also have family there so anytime we are in Rome we meet for lunch or dinner or both. It’s always nice to see our relatives. Another favorite thing we love to do is eating lunch across from the Pantheon it has become a tradition for us. The more we come to Rome the more comfortable we become walking around and exploring this fabulous city.

This visit they were clearing the Trevi fountain, and it was blocked by scaffolding so we can’t wait to come back and see it nice and clean.

If you would like to read more about our last trip to Rome and see more pictures click this link to our 2011 trip.

John with our aunt Giovanina who lives in Rome
John with our cousins Laura & Alessandra who live in Rome

John outside of the Colosseum

Spanish Steps

Beautiful gold dome in one of the many churches in Rome

Basilica of Sts. Vitalis
Inside Basilica of Sts. Vitalis

The Pantheon
The Pantheon

Fontana di Trevi – Trevi Fountain
Fontana di Trevi – Trevi Fountain

St. Peter’s Basilica
St. Peter’s Basilica

Sardegna (Sardinia), Italy 2012

August 13th – 17th, 2012

We arrived in Olbia and had a rental car to drive around the island, but once we realized our cousin, Francesco was going to drive us around we decided to return the rental car. As most people do when visiting family, we stayed at my uncle’s house.

His house is in Nuoro it’s a beautiful little town. Once we settled in, we went to a local restaurant for dinner where we had brick oven pizza. What we found that was cool was they had their love of pizza with seafood toppings on it. After a filling lunch, we walked through the neighborhood and met a few of my uncle’s friends. We also had the chance to eat this homemade candy called Toroni which was made by my uncle’s friend.

The next day we drove around the city to see the sites there were a lot of tunnels through the mountains which were wild, and we even got a chance to see a new one being bored out the machine they were using was huge. Francesco also took us to visit the first family member also named the same as our last name which was exciting because I have never met another family member with the same last name outside the United States. It was an emotional experience for both myself and my new family member.

The next day Francesco took us took a great beach which was very popular it was full of locals we stayed there for a couple of hours and bathed in the clear blue beautiful water. Spending time at the beach made us hungry, so we decided to get a bite to eat at a local place which was delicious. One good thing is that my cousin loved food and wine, so he knew where to eat and what to drink.

At night my uncle invited us to his cabin that he built by himself which is in a wooded/forest area. It was amazing I loved it and told him that when we come back, we are going to spend a night there. It’s called Pineto there is a photo of it down below. Uncle Simone cooked us a mouth-watering roasted pig dinner. He was preparing for hours turning the meat until it was cooked to perfection. We felt like we were eating back in the Roman times on wood plates, a wood table and wooden chairs which were all made by hand using the local wood just like the whole place was built. It was like going back in time John and I both agree that it was one of the best experiences we have ever had and we are still dreaming about it, and we can’t wait to go back for round two.

The following day Francesco rented a boat for the four of us Myself and John and his brother Severino. We drove the boat along the shoreline, and we had such a great time we saw the bluest water ever. We decided to beach the boat and explore the caves that were on the beach, and we also spent some time swimming and just enjoying the beautiful beach and water.

The last few days Francesco took us to his apartment which is in Cagliari another great town. He took us to the local fish market it was cool they decorate all their little booths with the fishtail or the heads in such a unique way. It was great we purchased some fish, and he cooked us a Sardinian meal it was the perfect end to a great trip.

Follow us on our journey the next and last stop on this trip is Rome, Italy.

John with Uncle Simone
Our cousins Francesco and Severino
John with his other uncle

Maria, Severino & Francesco
Maria & John
Severino & Francesco
Maria & John



Maria & Francesco

Maria outside of Pineto
Uncle Simone cooking

Maria & John
John & Uncle Simone
Uncle Simone, John, Francesco & Severino

Maria & John

John, Severino & Francesco

Maria & Francesco


Paris, France 2012

August 8th – 12th, 2012

Going to Paris is always great because it is one of our favorite cities. During the summer though some of the restaurants are closed it’s a big vacation time for Parisians.  One positive thing about summers in Paris is that it is not as busy as the wintertime.

This trip to Paris was extraordinary because we were meeting our good friends Adrian and Irene. They live in London which is a hop skip and a jump away from France. They’ve been to Paris many times which was good because that meant we had excellent tour guides.

They took us for a ride on the Metro to see other parts of the city. The first place they took us to was the Centre Pompidou we didn’t go inside, but the outside was strange. There are hundreds of pipes lining the entire exterior of the building.

We visited some of our favorite sites for the second time which was great. We spent half the day at the Louvre Museum which was not enough time. It is a huge museum.

One thing interesting that we saw at nighttime was a lot of young couples and groups of friends meet on the Seine river and play music or just have a bottle of wine. They look happy and are freely having a good time.

If you would like to read more about Paris and see more pictures click this link to our 2011 trip.

Eiffel Tower
Maria & John
Cool boat on the Seine River
Maria & John at the Arc de Triomphe
Our good friends Adrian & Irene at the Arc de Triomphe
Notre-Dame de Paris
Centre Georges Pompidou
Centre Georges Pompidou
The Roue de Paris
The Roue de Paris
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower at Night with a blue background

Musee du Louvre
Louvre Pyramid
The Mona Lisa
Cool building
My favorite brand Hermes
Stone Statues And Quadriga On The Arc De Triomphe Du Carrousel
Fresh prosciutto
Fontaines de la Concorde
Tourists having fun on the Seine River
Locals having fun on the Seine River
Pont des Arts Pedestrian Bridge
Locks on the Pont des Arts pedestrian bridge

Man made beach on the Seine River

Seine River

The mascarons, stone masks on the Pont Neuf Bridge
The mascarons, stone masks on the Pont Neuf Bridge
The mascarons, stone masks on the Pont Neuf Bridge
The mascarons, stone masks on the Pont Neuf Bridge

Petit Palais



Rome, Italy 2011

February 7th – 20th, 2011

Today we left Florence and rode the train to Rome. Once again an enjoyable train ride full of beautiful scenery the only difference is that this time we got on the correct car thank goodness. We checked into our hotel The Excelsior was opened in 1906. The hotel is located in a great spot, and the building’s architecture is beautiful we were lucky enough to have a corner suite.

After settling in, we did what we usually do take a quick walk around the city to get familiar with it. After a few hours of walking around, we decided to get back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.

The next day we were happy to walk around and get familiar with this great city. The first thing we did was walk to the Trevi Fountain. It truly is amazing. I can’t believe that the water just continuously runs and never ends. The fountain is breathtaking it’s a must see in person.

We visited Vatican City. From the outside to the inside it was fabulous. We even saw the window that the pope addresses the people in the square. Another cool thing that was there was the Swiss guards outside of the Vatican. Their outfits are cool mostly because I love anything with stripes.

The next stop on our walking tour was the Colosseum. Once again a jaw-dropping experience. This building was truly something spectacular we saw where they kept the animals and where the spectators sat.

We also love the Pantheon. The great thing is that there are a few restaurants in that square so every day we would have lunch with our relatives facing the Pantheon. It was the best view you could have while eating Italian food. There’s nothing like spending some time eating and catching up with family luckily we have relatives who live in Rome, and we ate lunch and dinner with them almost every day.

The Trevi Fountain
The Trevi Fountain
Excelsior Hotel
Our suite in the Excelsior Hotel
Maria & John at The Vatican
Swiss Guards outside of the Vatican
Maria & John at The Colosseum
The inside of the Colosseum
The inside of the Colosseum
The inside of the Colosseum
The inside of the Colosseum
The Pantheon
The Pantheon
Maria & John – with our aunt who lives in Rome Giovanina
John with our cousins who live in Rome Gloria, Laura & Alessandra

Florence, Italy 2011

February 5th – 7th, 2011

The train ride from Venice to Florence, Italy began on a bad foot. Remember all the luggage I told you we had well we didn’t realize that the tickets had assigned seats, so our seats were in car 6, and we got on car 1. John had to carry one bag at a time to get them to car 6 while I stayed with the luggage on car 1 . After a stressful beginning, we were looking forward to the scenery for the remaining six-hour ride. I loved riding the train; it reminded of being in Greece. When I was younger, that’s how we traveled from Athens to my mom’s town Kalo Nero, Kyparissia.

We checked into the Four Seasons Hotel, and after getting settled in, we decided to take a walk to get familiar with the city. We had dinner plans at Enoteca Pinchiorri which was a very impressive restaurant. We had a packed schedule for the next day, so we made it an early night.

The next morning we started on our walking tour of the city, and the first stop was the breathtaking Il Duomo di Firenze. Pictures do not do it justice! After taking a million pictures, we then moved onto The Ponte Vecchio which is a medieval stone closed-spandrel segmental arch bridge over the Arno River.

We then decided to start the museum tours we visited the Uffizi Gallery which was nice and then we visited the Galleria dell Accademia to see Michelangelo sculptures, including the impressive statue of The David.

Follow us on our journey the next and last stop on this trip is Rome, Italy.

Our welcome champagne
Il Duomo di Firenze

Maria & John
Ponte Vecchio
Locks by The Ponte Vecchio Bridge
Uffizi Gallery
Uffizi Gallery
Uffizi Gallery
Uffizi Gallery
Michelangelo’s Statue The David
Vending machine that sells thong panties