Key West, Florida

October 22nd – 26th, 2014

We were invited to our friend Nano Lopez’s art show at the James Coleman Gallery in Key West. When we booked the hotel, we booked it in advance, and the receptionist had told us we got the last room. John and I thought that was odd and asked the person if there was some convention going on and she said no it’s Fantasy Fest which happens every year.

As the days went on, we started noticing people dressed in risqué clothing and then our friends told us that this weekend at Fantasy Fest you make your fantasy come true whatever it may be. This was the best people watching EVER!!!!

We had a blast with our friends and three new artists we met. Not to name drop (but I will lol) if you know any of them they were all pretty cool and it was an honor to get a chance to hang out with such talented people. James & Lori Coleman, Bill Mack and his wife and Anna Sweet’s mom Connie Sweet.





Maria & John – with our good friends Nano & Mariya

His eyes are open
His eyes are closed he painted his eyelids to look like his eyes were open

Connie Sweet dressed as a mermaid