June 18th – 22nd, 2016
June 18, 2016
Today we arrived in Mahe, Seychelles. This was the tail end of our adventurous trip to Africa. We decided to take it easy and hang out at the hotel and the beach. We stayed at the Hilton which was a nice hotel. The room we had was amazing we had a private pool and an excellent view.
June 20, 2016
One of the days we hired a boat and just rode around on the water and ended up going to a someone’s house for lunch. It turned out to be a nice lunch the family was friendly and made a killer meal.
We got on the little boat and went to a private island that had huge turtles on it. We hiked around the island which took about an hour, and after that, we headed back to the hotel.
June 21, 2016
The next day we took a private driving tour around the island, and we ended up meeting this french guy named Jean-Louis Marchesseau. He was commissioned by a museum in Paris to build a replica of one of the French ships. We ended up purchasing a ship called La Maquette. Every piece on this ship is handmade which is amazing.
Once again we are excited to pack and get ready to go home. There’s no place like home!